"I feel like I can't talk any louder" -Kaleigh, Junior Year

"Can you hear her on the other side of the room?" -Ms. Serensky,

Monday, January 10, 2011

AP English Delinquent

     In comparison to the highly structured AP curriculum, the blog project has involved a fair degree of freedom. Ms. Serensky provided us with some guidance and requirements, but she has mostly left us free to explore the world of blogger.com on our own. However, today we received specific instructions not to look at any other blogs before we wrote our final reflections. I have always seen myself as a responsible student, one who follows directions, but it turns out I am actually rather careless because the first thing I did upon arrival at my "dashboard" was open up the first new blog post. I am sorry Ms. Serensky, but I read the opening sentences of Chris's blog. Then I started to laugh, which interrupted my train of thought, and gave my delinquent mind time to remember one of the few specific blog instructions of the year. I know it has been brought up that Blogger might be the new Facebook (I think by Kelsey, but I won't make the mistake of going on anyone else's blog again to check). I think this is a pretty good analogy, any time I have a spare moment at a computer I go on my blog and read any new posts. Opening up Chris's blog was a reflex action brought on by months of scrolling through my classmates' blogs in search of witty comments or clever analysis. When the project started I never foresaw this development, I only felt apprehension about coming up with two interesting things to write about every week. In retrospect that was silly; since I became a blogger, my search for blog topics has led me to become ever more observant and analytical in everyday life. Always on the hunt for something to blog about, I search for, and find, parallels everywhere. This has been a fascinating experience, and every time I find a connection I am grateful for how the blogs have sharpened my mind. Additionally, I have enjoyed the opportunity to enjoy the writing of my classmates. On that note, I think I can go finish reading Chris's blog post now.

1 comment:

  1. Kaleigh, I also started to read some of the new blog posts on my dashboard before I caught myself and realized I was breaking the rules. In my blog (which I've already written! don't worry), I also wrote about how I never thought I'd be able to come up with interesting topics every week to write about, and how the constant thought of the blog allowed me to be more perceptive and observant of everything around me and its relation to English. And I also mentioned how much I enjoyed reading everyone's blogs. I think it's going to be difficult for someone to argue that the blogs were not a great experience.
