"I feel like I can't talk any louder" -Kaleigh, Junior Year

"Can you hear her on the other side of the room?" -Ms. Serensky,

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Meeting of Three Men Who Are Not Friends

Two men gather outside the Rec Center, clearly intrigued by the goings on inside, though they maintain an awkward silence between themselves. At last, a third man arrives and finally breaks the ice…
Randall Patrick McMurphy: “Good mornin’, buddies” (Kesey 11)
Lane: “sir” (Wilde 1)
(Clive gives only an indignant look, mutters about a shocking degree of informality among the fans)
Randall Patrick McMurphy: “Hooeee…look what we got here,” I reckon that could be an AP English Language and Lit-ra-ture Exam (Kesey 23)
Lane: “I have had very little experience of it myself” (Wilde 1)
Clive Linley: Well I’m sorry to hear that, but “there [must be] a certain level of achievement, a gold standard, that [is] nonnegotiable, beyond mere opinion” so I take great interest in these things (McEwan 143)
Randall Patrick McMurphy: Looks like she’s writin’ somethin’ “is this the usual pro-cedure?” (Kesey 57)
Clive Linley: Yes, it is an essay, but “do you think the whole piece is hanging together well? Structurally, I mean?” (McEwan 175)
Lane: “it is not a very interesting subject” (Wilde 2)
Clive Linley: “it [would] …be going too far to say [she is]…a genius [like myself]” (McEwan 143)
Randall Patrick McMurphy: Speakin’ of “structurally” all them rows look “like a Chinese prison camp” (66).
Lane: “Yes” (Wilde 1)
Randall Patrick McMurphy: “I’ll bet you two dollars here and now that [she’ll finish in time]” (Kesey 14)
Clive Linley: Hardly, “I mean, to [write] that way, with no awareness, like an animal” (McEwan 5)
Lane: "I don’t think it polite [to say so], sir” (Wilde 1)
Clive Linley: “Kindly bugger off...If you don’t go away I shall smack your stupid face” (McEwan 178)
Lane: “I do my best to give satisfaction, sir” (Wilde 18) (stalks off, clearly offended)
The party disperses and McMurphy calls after the other two that an early forfeit means they have to pay him double.

                                               Meet the Cast
Randall Patrick McMurphy


Clive as he sees himself

Clive as everyone else sees him



  1. Kaleigh, I loved how you added a setting and background information to your story, along with the aside about Clive. This was a difficult assignment and you did a really good job of making the quotes work together. Also, the second picture for Clive was very much how I pictured him.

  2. Kaleigh, your incorporation of the quotes were perfect! I loved your pictures of Clive, very funny. And the way you maintained the characters' personalities and speaking techniques was very impressive!
