"I feel like I can't talk any louder" -Kaleigh, Junior Year

"Can you hear her on the other side of the room?" -Ms. Serensky,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Do You Have What It Takes?

Do you have too much time on your hands?  Is your social life just a bit too full? Are you ready to work like an ox? Then step up and join the few, the proud, the AP English Oxen! You’ll do your share of griping and complaining but you will eventually develop a strange love-hate relationship with AP English, and I guarantee you will not regret your choice. These are some of the things that make up for the all the hard work and long hours…
1.      Quotes! Maybe you’ve seen them around the school before, if you haven’t, your life is not yet complete
2.      Emerging from the “depths of mental midgetry”
3.      Someday you will get a sticker, perhaps it will be Harry Potter themed, or maybe it will tell you “you’re special” (you should be so lucky), either way the excitement you feel as an upperclassman will rival anything you experienced upon receiving a sticker as a small child.
4.      It’s better than spending 7 years in an attic
5.      You will watch a Leonardo DiCaprio movie (Ms. Serensky has a crush on him)
6.      Multiple Choice Games: the rivalry, the trash talking, the enthusiastic cheering!
7.      Because you need a way to fill all that spare time, remember, idle hands are the devil’s playground!
8.      Come AP week, you will be ready for the test; it’s a good feeling to walk out of that room with a feeling of confidence, rather than dismay.
9.      Learning to be a writer, the most important part of AP English
10.  Blogs! They’re surprisingly fun and a welcome break from formal writing assignments
Sarcasm aside, AP English is worth every minute of work, if you had the chance to completely overhaul your abilities as a writer and literary analyst before college, why wouldn’t you take it?

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