"I feel like I can't talk any louder" -Kaleigh, Junior Year

"Can you hear her on the other side of the room?" -Ms. Serensky,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Deja Vu Again

We the AP English Nerds... Are our own worst enemy
      As I sat in Government class and listened to Mr. Brownlow expound on the dangers of the majority and how the Constitution artfully controls and limits these dangers, I realized I had heard this lecture before. As usual, it all comes back to AP English. I recall a speech by Ms. Serensky in which she asserted that our stress and anxiety stems not from her tyranny (to use a government term) but from our collective neurosis. In government jargon, AP English students are a faction, perhaps several factions. The most dangerous of these factions is the chronic overachievers, I suppose we all fit into this category in terms of the world at large, but there are some who have earned overachiever status even within our competitive group. Nothing strikes fear into my heart like being surrounded by breathless mutterings of Shakespeare or rumors of 40 page data sheets. Then there is the classic overachiever cry of "I only memorized 37 quotes last night- do you think that will be enough? I'm just really stressed about it!" which suddenly makes my preparations seem woefully inadequate. I guess we are still under the Articles of Confederation down in the English hallway, our factions are out of control and tyranny of the majority is in full swing. We have a pretty big essay coming up and I have a revolutionary suggestion, in lieu of drafting a Constitution, let's just follow a simple game plan: remain calm, do not incite panic among your fellow students, and we will all get through this with our sanity intact.

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