"I feel like I can't talk any louder" -Kaleigh, Junior Year

"Can you hear her on the other side of the room?" -Ms. Serensky,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Headed Off the Deep End?

Before we started these blogs, Ms. Serensky shared that she often finds a number of parallels between her own life and the events or ideas in the books we read. Since then, I have noticed some of these parallels occurring in my own life and I have read a number of blog entries by classmates who also see similarities between our assigned reading and their day to day lives. Generally this is just an interesting phenomenon that helps me relate more to the story or gives me a chance to apply lessons from the novel to reality. But now we are reading a story about an asylum for the insane, where most of the characters are mentally ill and the rest of them are taking advantage of that fact to violate their human rights. So as I thought about the reading, trying to come up with something to blog about, I had to ask the question, what implications does this have for my life in the following weeks? We all know our culture gets pretty involved in Christmas preparations, added to our already busy lives; the shopping, decorating, and wrapping can create a time crunch that puts us under extra stress. Will the holiday rush push me over the edge this year? I guess if Christmases #1 through 17 didn't do it then Christmas #18 probably won't, but I have to wonder where I am going to start finding parallels. Perhaps a Nurse Ratched will come into my life, that alone might be enough to push me off the deep end.

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