"I feel like I can't talk any louder" -Kaleigh, Junior Year

"Can you hear her on the other side of the room?" -Ms. Serensky,

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Stuff of Nightmares

      What haunts my dreams? AP English of course. On Tuesday night, my sleep was disturbed by a terrifying episode of AP English disasters. In my dream, Ms. Serenksy handed out new books; I was so distracted by this that I didn't notice her give instructions about our next journal assignment. Suddenly, everyone started writing and I had no idea what to do. To my horror, it turned out that everyone was preparing detailed discussion points, so not only was I left with an empty journal page, I also had nothing to contribute to the discussion. In my nightmares, I don't get chased by monsters, I lose discussion points. I realize I have become extremely focused on AP English, to the point that it has slipped into my dreams, which begs the question: what will this all mean when it ends in a matter of months? In my last post I stated that I have become more proficient at observation and deep analysis of the things I observe, ideally this will continue. However, free from the pressure of looming data sheets and graded discussions, I could easily slip out of my AP English mindset. I don't want this to happen, I can leave the psychotic obsession over discussion points behind in high school, but I want to continue to be a smart, observant person. To do this, I need to very deliberately continue to observe and analyze everyday life, because if I just passively wish to be smart and observant, then when I leave AP English behind, I will naturally drift away from the AP English thought paradigm.


  1. Kaleigh-
    I had a dream about English too. It was so bizarre. We had two teachers- Ms. Serensky and Ms. Beach. Ms. Beach was making toast (random? yes.) in the back of the classroom. Everyone was working in small groups, but we were not doing much work and the teachers did not even care. Then, Ms. Serensky called for our attention and started lecturing us and then all of a sudden the toaster caught of fire and we had to evacuate the building and the school burned down. I'm still not exactly sure what this bizarre dream means... possibly that I want the school to burn down? That's probably not healthy.

  2. Kaleigh, I also feel that AP Enlgish has slowly taken over my life and wonder what lies ahead after the end of this school year. I also wonder if going through AP Enlgish will affect my perspective of my college classes if they do not promote such free thinking. In addition, I want to continue to intelligently observe everyday life, and I feel like I will never again read a book without having the itch to hold a pen.

  3. Although i have never, thankfully, had a dream about AP English, i have had those moments where I totally blanked out and did not hear what Ms. Serensky said properly. These are terrifying moments usually, so I understand how traumatizing this dream must have been. I too fear that I will return to my previous ignorant state when the class ends, but I hope to keep analyzing to prevent this.

  4. Kaleigh, I too had a dream about AP english! It was similar to yours except it was an essay. I went to class and sat down, and then Ms. Serensky came in and told us we could start and our topic was on the board. The only problem was I had no idea what book we were writing about. So I just sat there, silently freaking out. It was one of my worst nightmares honestly.
